5 Mistakes To Avoid While Outsourcing Your Work To Video Production Company

5 Mistakes To Avoid While Outsourcing Your Work To Video Production Company

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Businesses these days are raising their budgets for videography because video marketing has proven itself as a useful tool for customer engagement and has given excellent ROI. Many big ventures are having in house video production teams, but not all firms are capable of putting aside a budget for this. In this case, firms have to outsource their video marketing to a video production company.

The company which outsources its video production to another agency doesn’t know much about video production. It is understood, as an outsourced video production company will take care of it. But it becomes imperative to understand how to hire a video production company according to your needs. You have to make an informed decision and get your basics right. These are some of the most common mistakes made by businesses while outsourcing work to video production company.

  1. When it comes to selecting a video production company, you have to see it’s size first. There are pros and cons of hiring a big studio, as there are working with a small-sized firm. The advantage with the big studio is you get access to the latest equipment, experienced crew and timely delivery. On the other hand, if you don’t have a decent budget, they can straightaway decline you. Small studios offer personalized services based on your requirements; If you have less budget, they can make some arrangements to accommodate you, and you will get individual attention as well.
  2. It is suggested that before selecting a video production company, please get quotes from 3-4 different studios, and go through them thoroughly. Selecting the lowest priced quote, in most cases, would land you in trouble. If the lowest bidder is quoting a remarkably lower price than the other bidders, they are going to do a low quality work. Don’t compromise on the basic quality. If you want to cut your costs, decide in which department you can do that. Act with caution — quality matters.
  3. Please go through the showreel of an outsourcing video production company. You would get a fair idea of what are they capable of. It will reveal you a scope of their work, their clients and skill set that they have. Along with this, search for a project which is comparable to yours, and see whether they can deliver it. Don’t look at the famous brands in the portfolio; focus on your needs.
  4. Prefer a video production company from the local area, as it would cut down high costs. If you higher a very reputable firm outside your city, it is likely to subcontract that work to some local studio. So save your costs by selecting a decent video production company from your port of work.
  5. Don’t underestimate the value of quality crew. Most advanced equipment in wrong hands can deliver you a sup par video. There are many things you can consider while selecting a team. Their experience and skill set? Do they listen to you? Do they understand the concept behind your video? Are they easy to work with? Your comfort levels with them?

Hiring an outsourcing video production company or a 3-D animation studio for the first time is not easy at all. You need to take into consideration many factors along with budget. You need to assume things which you don’t know, so you are bound to make mistakes. You will get better with time. Just try to avoid these common mistakes and go ahead with your decision.

Picture of Vikkrant


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